Revolutionary Discovery: Superconductivity in LK-99, a 1D Copper Atom Chain

Exploring the 1D BR-BCS Theory and the Potential of Room-Temperature Superconductivity

Quantum Energy Research Institute Unveils the Mechanism Behind Superconductivity in LK-99

The Quantum Energy Research Institute has made an astonishing claim by developing a room-temperature, high-pressure superconductor known as LK-99. Their recent paper, detailing the principles behind the superconductivity phenomenon in LK-99, has been released after revisions. Central to LK-99's significance is its role as a previously speculated 1D superconductor. Within its hexagonal prism structure, electric current flows between vertically connected copper atoms without resistance.

The research team, including authors Lee Seok-bae, Kim Ji-hoon, Kim Hyun-tak, Lim Sung-yeon, Ahn Soo-min, and Oh Geun-ho, has published a third revised paper on the preprint site 'arXiv.' In this paper, they explain the theoretical foundation of the room-temperature, high-pressure superconductivity in LK-99 using the '1D BR-BCS theory.' This theory encompasses the mainstream 'BCS theory,' which explains superconductivity at extremely low temperatures, while also describing superconductivity under room temperature and atmospheric pressure conditions, as argued by the research team.

The team reveals that LK-99 exhibits Ohmic metallic properties above its superconducting critical temperature and demonstrates the Meissner effect—typical of superconductors—below it. The critical temperature for superconductivity in LK-99 is reported to be above 126.85 degrees (400K).

The researchers identify two factors that contribute to the potential of room-temperature superconductivity in this material. Firstly, they analyze the insulator-to-metal transition within the hexagonal prism structure of lead, copper, and oxygen-bound apatite. This transition causes volume contraction as copper replaces lead, leading to an intriguing change. Secondly, they propose that at the critical temperature, the superconducting condensate prompts deformation in the 1D chain structure that links copper, oxygen, and copper atoms. This deformation enhances the repulsive Coulomb interaction, which is an electrostatic force between two electrically charged materials.

Consequently, the research team presents the '1D BR-BCS theory' as the mechanism for room-temperature superconducting transition. BR-BCS theory, introduced in 2021 by Professor Kim Hyun-tak of William & Mary University, combines the existing BR theory with BCS theory to explain room-temperature superconductivity. However, as this theory is not yet mainstream within the scientific community, LK-99's properties will require further illumination and validation.

Professor Kim Hyun-tak, the mind behind this theoretical background in the paper, elucidates the structure of lead apatite in LK-99. He explains that the inner hexagon consists of overlapping triangles, where some lead atoms are replaced by copper atoms, transforming copper into a metallic element with an outermost lone electron. The stacking of these triangular layers creates a 1D metallic structure of vertically linked copper atoms. LK-99 transitions to a metal above the critical temperature and transforms into a superconductor below it. Professor Kim interprets this change as the volume contraction due to atomic substitution causing the distance between copper atoms to narrow, inducing tunneling currents and the onset of superconductivity.

The research team plans to submit the paper to the international scientific journal APL (Applied Physics Letters) after incorporating the feedback from the journal's review report. This discovery opens new doors for the potential of room-temperature superconductors, with LK-99 at the forefront of scientific exploration and validation.
